Sunday 30 January 2011


Every February I find myself in the same place, slightly flabby wearing my high-waisted jeans to try and keep my muffin top disguised. It's only February, I'm still wearing misshapen, giant woolly jumpers  so there's no need to reach for the Jillian Michaels DVD just yet. But at this time every year I start thinking about the year ahead and how I'm not doing anything different to last year, I'm still just eating, sleeping, going to work and then coming home and watching re-runs on the TV. When my husband sat down to watch 'Come Dine with Me' one evening and declared we'd already seen this one but 'leave it on it's a good one!' I realised that something had to be done about my monotonous routine and I needed to inject some life into my days...I needed to do something different.  My husband the other night decided to shake things up a bit, turned off the TV and pulled out the Scrabble board (I know we're wild aren't we?) it threw me completely. Turning the TV off was almost liberating...I felt like I had actually done something with my evening...I know it's only a game of Scrabble but it was fun,  my husband and I actually had to converse with each other and I learnt some big words. So it was there and then whilst playing scrabble that I got the inspiration for the next theme 'Do Something Different Today."


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