Tuesday 14 June 2011

Tea and Cake

A year ago I turned thirty. Thirty? How had I got here? It was time to tick another box on the application form, I was older than Beyonce...there was a big three in front of the zero! On my thirtieth birthday I woke up feeling depressed that my twenties had left me and I had been pushed rather too quickly into my thirties, I wasn't ready yet...I laid awake staring at the ceiling trying to figure out...beyond the hangover whether I felt different or not. I didn't. But here I am a year later turning thirty-one and I actually feel fine, because for the first time ever I've stopped counting. Yes, I would like to be younger and now that I'm too old for Club 18-30 I'm starting to think that actually I might like to go...ok maybe not. I am after all a grown-up now and so for my thirty-first birthday I decided it was time to celebrate in a grown up way.

 Amanda, Caroline, Danielle and Phoebe all helped me to celebrate at Gerry's at Neaverson's in Huddersfield. It's a charming little tea shop in the town centre, decorated with teacups, bunting, white tablecloths and serving up a tasty lunch and a generous slice of cake. I love it, it was the perfect location for our sophisticated lunch...that is until Danielle declared that she had Phoebe's underwear in her bag...and fired a thong across the table at Phoebe's head. Luckily Phoebe caught it in time, or it would have landed in the middle of a table of women who were sat behind us! It turned out Phoebe had saved Dani from a fashion crisis and had loaned her some underwear about a year ago and so Dani was kindly returning it in the middle of lunch in front of the entire clientele at Gerry's!

I had a fantastic day...sipping tea with the girls and greedily tucking into chocolate cake. Unwrapping my beautiful presents, including an amazing Laduree cook book and feeling very grown up. Maybe my thirties won't be so bad after all, especially if my four favourite witches are here for the journey too...I guess that age doesn't really matter anymore.

Catherine xx
Read more about Gerry's in our restaurant reviews

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