Friday 18 November 2011

Table for Five?

I have just booked the table for our next meal; well kind of booked it as they are not taking reservations for midweek bookings until December, but I was assured that there wouldn’t be a problem with seating us. The lady on the phone then asked if it was a table for five to which I replied, yes - how did she know it was for five? I was too taken aback to ask and have now convinced myself that our reputation precedes us.

Each month we book under a different name and for this month I chose Atticus. Anyone who has read ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ will understand my choice. Carrying on from last month’s theme I chose this novel from the big read challenge; not quite sure how I’ve managed to miss out on such a great classic. Atticus Finch is a role model for all men and for all fathers and I have fallen head-over-heels for him. I find myself wanting to be a better person for him and the example that he sets. It’s really hard sometimes to see beyond yourself and step into another persons shoes, but Atticus sets a benchmark to live by. What an amazing piece of literature that gives us such wonderful human characters that they can become a part of our lives and enrich our souls.

Amanda xxx

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